Email: for invoice and payment inquiries

Email: to submit invoices for processing


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Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

A tax exempt certificate is a sales tax exemption certificate that enables the university to make tax-free purchases that would normally be subject to sales tax. The university fills out the certificate and gives it to the seller. The seller keeps the certificate and may then sell property or services to the university without charging sales tax. The tax exempt certificate can be used if, as the purchaser you are an agent or employee of the university.

Fill out the top portion of the form with the vendor’s information and submit to vendor via fax, mail, email or in hand.

A W-9 form is an Internal Revenue Service form that indicates the taxpayer’s identification number and certification. IRS regulations require all businesses to obtain taxpayer identification numbers for vendors, individuals and contractors with which the university does business with. If a department is going to do business with a vendor or individual for the first time, a W-9 form needs to be requested or already on file before the purchase requisition can be processed or service rendered. Contact the Office of Procurement Services at 973-596-3070 for more information.


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Vendors can be paid via check, direct deposit or wire transfer.

Registered suppliers can be paid via direct deposit by clicking here (

Lite Suppliers can be paid via direct deposit by completing the Direct Deposit Authorization Form for Vendors. Send the completed form to the Office of Procurement Services.

Employees can be paid via direct deposit, check or petty cash. (Please note the Petty Cash limit is $150 per person per Index)

No. Payroll and Accounts Payable direct deposit is separate. Employees are encouraged to sign up for /direct-deposit/.

Students can be paid via direct deposit, check or petty cash. (Please note the Petty Cash limit is $150 per person per Index)

Fill out the Domestic Wire Transfer Form or the Foreign Wire Transfer Form. Email the wire transfer form with a copy of the invoice to Accounts Payable at The subject of the email should note “Wire” followed by the UP number.

Wire transfers are typically processed within 3 days of receipt, but it also depends on the payment terms of the invoice.

Petty Cash is disbursed at the Bursar's Office cashier's window located in the Student Mall. Hour of operation are Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 3:30pm.

Yes. Petty Cash is limited to $150 per person per Index.

Direct Deposit payments are issued weekly on Wednesday. Paper check payments are issued bi-weekly on the Wednesday that coincides with NJIT payroll pay date.

“Special Checks” are available on an emergency basis only. Whenever possible, please plan ahead to ensure a payment will be issued by the day you need it.

Contact the Accounts Payable representative who handles the vendor in need of payment. Let them know you have an invoice you need paid today. Once the invoice has been posted and approved, the check will be processed. Please note this will be done on an emergency basis only.

Checks should only be held for pick up if they are being hand delivered or sent over night by the department.

Attach the additional paperwork to the invoice with a note to the Accounts Payable representative asking them to include the attached paperwork with the check.

The most efficient way would be to fill out the Void Check Request Form. Scan and email the completed form to the Sr. Accounts Payable Specialist.

1. If the vendor has contacted you stating they have not received payment and it’s been 2 weeks since the check was issued.
2. If your department requested a check that is no longer needed.

Contact Accounts Payable at, they will review the transaction and provide status of payment.


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All mail is processed within 1-3 business days of receipt in the Accounts Payable office.

Invoices are paid based on payment terms. Payment terms are the conditions under which a seller will complete a sale. NJIT will make payments to vendors on the payment terms that have been agreed upon with the Office of Procurement Services.

No, we can accept scanned copies of invoices for processing.

If the invoice includes sales tax it can be removed from the total amount due; however if there is a mathematical error, short shipment of items, unauthorized substitution of goods, etc. the vendor must submit a corrected invoice for processing.

Ensure the PO number is listed on the invoice and email scanned document to the Accounts Payable department at with the Order Number listed in the subject line. Please note, the email may contain only 1 invoice per submission.

Quotes, Statements, Work Orders, Service Tickets, Packing Slips, Order Acknowledgements


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1099 forms are federal income tax information forms from businesses and other institutions to document certain financial transactions conducted during a tax year. There are a number of different 1099 forms (1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, etc.) to report the various types of income you may receive throughout the year other than the salary your employer pays you. 1099 forms are filed with the IRS and The State of New Jersey.

NJIT uses the 1099-MISC to report miscellaneous income and 1099-NEC to report non-employee compensation. Both are payments made in the course of a trade or business to a person who is not an employee or to an unincorporated business. These forms report the following:

  • 1099-MISC: Miscellaneous Information
    • Payments of $10 or more in gross royalties
    • Payments of $600 or more in:
      • Rents
      • Prizes and Awards
      • Other income payments
      • Gross proceeds paid to an attorney
      • Etc.
  • 1099-NEC: Nonemployee Compensation
    • Payments of $600 or more in:
      • Services performed by someone who is not your employee (including parts and materials)
      • Payments to an attorney

1099 forms are sent to the IRS, The State of New Jersey and the person or business that received the payment.

Payments received for participant support, prizes, awards, honorariums, royalties, etc.

1099s are mailed out by January 31st of each year for prior year payments.


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Invoices must be submitted to the Accounts Payable inbox, in order to be scheduled for payment, based upon the agreed upon payment terms. Note: Accounts Payable does not receive notification when an invoice is attached to a Requisition or Order Number.

Once an invoice has been accepted, the retrofit requisition must be completed and fully approved before the invoice can move to Banner for payment.

Under the task menu, select Incomplete Requisitions.

When an invoice is dated prior to the valid from order date, the buyer must accept the invoice, and apply the blanket order to the retrofit requisition.


The blanket order has insufficient funds and cannot cover the entire invoice.

Select the Task Menu->Select Invoices->Click on invoice number to review the invoice details and view a copy of the vendor invoice->Click Accept/Reject->Select Accept->scroll to the Blanket Order dropdown menu and select the appropriate Blanket Order number.

Invoices must remain in a pending state until tangible proof from the supplier has been acquired that confirms the invoice is not owed. (i.e a credit memo)

An invoice must be applied to the order, and the invoice due date must coincide with the Accounts Payable payment schedule for payment to be issued.

  • The blanket order may be closed.
  • The blanket order may be past its “valid to date”.

There are suppliers that enter their own invoices via CXML, which is an automated upload that does not include a pdf copy. To retrieve a Unimarket pdf copy of an invoice, select “Printable invoice”.

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generated